Saturday, June 23, 2012


This is the most unfatefull day in Sushmitha's and our lives.Now at 6-30 she started getting convulsions. She had pnumonia. There was lack of oxygen and there was irreparable brain damage. By the time we shifted her to KMC manipal it was too late. Anilanna bring chewing gum and lollipop were the last two words uttered by her.  After that Dr Pushpa Kini tried in all ways to treat her even giving me emotional support. I thought she will miss school for some days.I thought she will open eyes and say amma. But nothing in life is same anymore. Slowly I realised I have to be strong to take care of her. Because I know brain damage due to hypoxia is not reversible. At the same time if I believe that she will not improve I cannot function.Because of fits there were some problems in her development. But I love Anil and Sushmitha same. May be more to Sushmitha. Because Anil Is independent and he can take care of himself. Life has to go on.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


She has become more alert. She tracks people passing which had diminished. Her alertness varies.On somedays her alertness is low and somedays she notices everything. Yesterday she noticed Laxmi plucking flowers from garden. This only means she is little aware of her environment. But in memory lane she may not be knowing anything. Even her right vision has improved.We give a lot of visual stimulations. But for photoseeing she does not turn from left to right. I was upstairs talking in mobile and she was watching me.She saw water passing through food pipe.I feel sometimes she protests for nubulisation. She also shakes her head when we take dirt from her eye.Sometimes she takes one oral feed by mouth. I am happy with her small improvement. We never realise the value of anything until we lose it. She was  calling me amma and I never knew it was so precious.Now I am hearing lot of divorce cases. I wish atleast for thier kids sake they stay together. a child needs both father and mother.